Nu dras det iväg på överraskningsfest för fia som fyller 18! Vi hörs :)
Gott nytt år!
Detta är vad jag har sysslat med idag! Nu ska jag gå och lägga mig, ska upp/vakna tidigt för att kolla fotboll!

Kollade igenom massor av gamla bilder igår, såna som jag aldrig ens sätt, här är en av dom. man kan knappt tro det är jag?!
Skor från Scorett =D

Halsduk Mamma gjort i julklapp, gammal tröja vila, leggins julklapp gt, klocka julklapp jetset, skor julklapp skopunkten
Paket, hihi!
Dagen har tillbringats åt att hjälpa till med julmaten här hemma, och gjort godis sen en snabbis på marieberg för att köpa sista julklapparna. annars då? jodå!

Booring booring booring säger jag bara! Tja
he and I had something beautiful but so dysfunctional, it
couldn't last I loved him so but I let him go 'cause I knew
he'd never love me back such pain as this shouldn't have
to be experienced I'm still reeling from the loss, still a
little bit delirious near to you, I am healing but it's taking
so long 'cause though he's gone and you are wonderful
it's hard to move on yet, I'm better near to you. you and
I have something different and I'm enjoying it cautiously
I'm battle scarred, but I am working oh so hard to get
back to who I used to be he's disappearing, fading steadily
well, I'm so close to being yours, won’t you stay with me,
please near to you, I am healing but it's taking so long '
cause though he's gone and you are wonderful it’s
hard to move on yet, I'm better near to you I only know
that I am better where you are I only know that I am better
where you are I only know that I belong where you are near
to you, I am healing but it's taking so long 'cause though he's
gone and you are wonderful it’s hard to move on yet,
I'm better near to you